
Environmental Relations

In the quarry wall at Lime Kiln Park you can see several different facies including Silurian reefs, skeletal mudstones, oncolite packstones, grainstones and post reef deposits.  As indicated by fracture patterns (cracks in the rock), movement of material was downslope from right to left. Contact of reef (in shadow) and underlying pre-reef deposits (sunlit) at measured section C.
In the quarry wall at Lime Kiln Park you can see several different facies including Silurian reefs, skeletal mudstones, oncolite packstones, grainstones and post reef deposits. As indicated by fracture patterns (cracks in the rock), movement of material was downslope from right to left. Contact of reef (in shadow) and underlying pre-reef deposits (sunlit) at measured section C.

A combination of biologic and physical environmental factors determine the size, shape and location of reefs. Reefs may also change in character as they grow, and their growth can modify the surrounding environment.

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